Thursday, December 31, 2009


Good bye 2009, it is both sad and happy to see you go. There is a lot of hope for 2010. Will let you know how things are going as we move along.


Thursday, August 6, 2009

Reading Blogs

Found some new Blogs today that review books. But it is the same old story, which kind of makes me angry and sad...they are mostly books that we carry @ OCLS, but not this Branch.
What is it that can shake up the chain of command enough to make sure that the Children's Library should be the first in line to get new Children's Books. It seems to me this should be so obvious, but since we are only 5 years old, I guess the wheels of change turn very very slowly.
And then there is the thought, who do "they" think brings the children to the Library, especially the ones too young to walk here alone, or live too far away to walk. Seems that should be obvious too..ADULTS come here too. What is here for the moms' and dad's other than DVD's and PC's.
Maybe for our 5th Anniversary in Jan. I can suggest a new policy on what we get when new books are ordered.


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Now Following

I am so excited, I have found a "lot" of Book Review Blogs to follow. The sad part is, a lot of the are J and YA book review, and we do not have 99% of them at our Branch. PLEASE won't some one take note and start making sure that we get a copy of the new books that come in. I don't see why "we" would have to order an more copies of the books. Just give us one of the 4 or more copies that go to another Branch.
Ok this is all I will say on this subject for now.


Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Not a Language Learner Right now.

Maybe one day I will be interested in learning a 2nd language, but not right now. I guess I am intiminated by by sister, brother and sister in law. My s-i-l is from Holland and knows about 6 languages. They learn them in school. Maybe if I wasn't quite so old I would have had Spanish in HS. Although that ma;y not be the only reason it wasn't offered, I had only 30 students in my HS Class & around 300 in 1-12.. And now my brother lives in Holland with his wife, and he is learning Dutch. At least he says he is. I saw a picture of him supposedly on the Computer with headphones on learning Dutch. But I haven't actually heard him speak it yet. Hopefully if they come back to visit us some day I will be able to quiz him on it. And then there is my sister who has been studying Spanish for ever. I haven't asked her lately if she is still taking it. She even went to take courses at the Jr. College where she lives. And bought a PC program before there were WEB sites where you can learn for free. Or mayber there were but we were just to PC illietereate to know there were. So there are my reasons for putting it off right now.:) But the Webtopicks lesson was good, and I did read all the blurb's on OCLS Web site about what we offer.


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

No Podcast

The Webtopicks for last week on Podcast was very informative. And it would be an interesting project. But, I do not have access to a PC that a microphone can be used on. I did see where one of the Websites OCLS uses has a means of using your phone to record. I would do this if I had a need to do a Podcast. But since I don't I am not going to pay the $99 a year that it would cost.


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

77 Days of the National Book Award

This is an interesting blog to follow, because it is following the 1950-60 era. I was in my teens and early 20's at the time. It is "funny" how many books I do not recoginze/remember from that time period, even though I have always been a lover of books. I guess most of it stems from the place where I lived. A very small town in Central Florida. And my mama was my English teacher, who was raised mostly by a step-mother in Puritan New England. Actually she graduated from Winter Garden High School, and attneded FSCW. But I imagine her step-mother and Father brought along their Puritan ways when they moved to Florida.


Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Folloing a blog

Yea I just found a new blog I want to follow and have been able to add it to my follows list.
Thanks to twitter and persistence, I got it.


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